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July 23, 2015

Follow the steps below to update the FT500 module:

Step 1: Before update the ECU, back up the maps and logs in the module: It`s recommended to back up all the important maps and logs contained in the FT500, the update won`t delete the maps, but will delete the logs.

Step 2: Download version 1.40 of FTManager: Download the new version in the "Software> FTManager" menu at FuelTech site or CLICK HERE to download the new version.Then execute the program and wait for the installation to finish.

Step 3: Open the FTManager software and plug the USB cable into the FT500 ECU, click in "Tools" tab and then the icon "FT Updater". 

Step 4: A new window will show up, click "Update" and wait until the update ends, when a pop up is displayed on the screen. In the right side of the screen, there will be the "Release Notes", describing all the news about the release.


- New Pro-Nitrous features:

  • NOS Fuel and Ignition tables overlay on Datalogger software.
  • Specific new NOS pedaling activation timers.
  • NOS fuel compensation ON delay now allows negative delay, to have the fuel compensation in advance of NOS activation.
  • NOS fuel compensation OFF delay and OFF ramp.
  • NOS ignition timing compensation OFF delay and OFF ramp.
  • New redesigned Pro-Nitrous timers and delays setup screen with real time graphic visualization.
  • Improvement on Pro-Nitrous activation safety features. 

- Rotary engines: New datalog channel that records the “Trailing Ignition timing” besides the regular “Ignition Timing” channel that represents the Leading spark.

- Boost activated output new output signal option of Activated by 12v or 0v (default). 

- Gear shift output new parameters:

  • Lock time between gear shift: to prevent next gear to be shifted too early when spinning tires.
  • Pulse trigger time: to configure the output pulse duration to shift the solenoid properly.

- Time based RPM cut and retard curves now allows lower RPM numbers down to 1000 rpm.

- FT Manager software now can manage older FT500 firmware (version 1.40 and newer) without requiring to proceed the FT500 firmware update.

- Improvement on Engine RPM high resolution datalog channel.

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