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FTManager v4.3 Software for ECUs Update

March 11, 2020

Follow the steps below to update the ECU:

Step 1 - Before updating the ECU, back up the maps and logs in the ECU: It's recommended to back up all the important maps and logs contained in the FT450, FT500, FT500LITE, FT550LITE FT550 or FT600. The update won't delete the maps, but will DELETE the logs.

Step 2 - Download version 4.3 of FTManager: Download the new version in the "Software> FTManager" menu at FuelTech site or CLICK HERE to download the new version.

Step 3:
Open the FTManager software and plug the USB cable into the ECU, click in "Tools" tab and then the icon "ECU Updater". 

4.3 Update - New Features

Click on "+" and check out all the details of the new functions

Automatic transmission control


New and exclusive automatic transmission control feature for up to 10 gears, 8 gear change solenoids, transmission oil pressure and accumulator solenoid. Engine RPM and speed safety values for gear change.

Solenoids can be triggered during 2-step and staging control


TPS x Speed gear change table


Transmission pressure solenoid PWM (pulse-width modulation) table by Gear x TPS



Line pressure compensation by transmission temperature



Gear change line pressure compensation table by TPS x Gear



This feature was developed to be used in transmissions with no CAN network communication, the following transmissions were tested: 4L60E (GM), A4LD (FORD) and AW50 (GM). For different models it’s recommended to contact our Tech Support first.


Lockup control


Lockup control for automatic transmissions (that have this feature), with activation ramp, minimum gear and minimum and maximum duty cycle settings, as well as safety features such as:


  • Minimum engine temperature
  • Minimum transmission oil temperature
  • Force lockup above a certain transmission temperature
  • Disable lockup during downshift
  • Disable lockup when brake pedal is pressed


Lockup table


 Brake switch input


New input option for brake switches, that is directly used for the automatic transmission control.


Automatic transmission range selector


New function related to automatic transmission control that reads the gear lever, buttons or FuelTech CAN SwitchPanel.


 Paddle shift


New paddle shift feature to work with the automatic transmission control, allowing the driver to Upshift or Downshift at anytime.


Oscilloscope mode


New FTManager feature that analyzes the RPM and CAM sync inputs, drawing a graph displaying the waveform of the signal generated by the sensor and received by the ECU.

 Multifunction button (LINE LOCK, staging,boost+)


New button pre-set setting that allows the use of more than one feature in a single button, this is how it operates:

  • When the ECU reads Wheel speed 0mph and Driveshaft at 0RPM, the multifunction button will act as Line Lock button

  • When the ECU is in 2-step, the multifunction button will act as the staging button

  • Under all other conditions, the multifunction button will act as the Boost + (scramble) button when using the Wastegate Boost Control feature.

 Bracket racing launch delay features (delay box)


New launch delay control feature for vehicles used in bracket races, with 2 different launch delays. Buttons for Bump Up, Bump Down and Super Bump, ET dials for both user and opponent that can be changed on the fly on the ECU display. Pre launch cut allowing a lower target RPM during pre launch stage.

 Wheelie control sensor option for internal accelerometer (FT550LITE, FT550 e FT600)


New option to use the internal accelerometer on the FT550, FT550LITE and FT600 for wheelie control, where the ECU will perform ignition retard and cuts based on its pitch rate.

 New Fuel and Ignition cut option for the integrated powershift and gear shift output features


New option to select fuel and ignition cut in the Power shift feature available on the FT550, FT550LITE and FT600 and also on the Gear shift output feature (all ECU’s), this is used primarily on engines running Nitromethane as fuel, rotary engines and road race cars.

 New datalogger channels


  • Delta TPS
  • Acceleration fuel enrichment and decay injection time
  • Engine status
  • Prime pulse
  • Generic output buttons
  • New Datalogger advanced RPM diagnostic channels


 New option to dashboard go to screen #1 when under 2-step condition


New feature very useful with new bracket dial screen. Able to change ET Dials in the dashboard on track and when pressed the 2-step button the ECU goes back to the main dash screen.


 New PID 2-step cut control (advanced)


This new option expands the possibilities to smooth RPM cut according to each motor with a new PID control gain.


New configuration for progressive nitrous operation during launch control (2-step, 3-step, Burnout)


New configuration for progressive nitrous operation during launch control (2-step, 3-step, Burnout)

New setting for progressive nitrous, allowing a minimum base duty cycle to be set for when the driver goes off then back on the throttle, making the nitrous return much faster in the engine as some solenoids might not even pulse when below a certain percentage.




  • New ECU Channel to read battery temperature using an analog input or FuelTech EGT-CAN.
  • Addition of a second Boost activated output
  • New option to configure Generic Outputs buttons in the dashboard



  • New Decrease smooth and Increase smooth bottons and hot key in the Datalogger software


NHRA version adjusted according to 2020 regulation


New NHRA firmware adjusted for the 2020 regulations. These are the instructions for the update:

Step 1 - Before updating the ECU, back up the maps and logs in the ECU: It's recommended to back up all the important maps and logs contained in the FT450, FT500, FT500LITE, FT550LITE, FT550 or FT600. The update won't delete the maps but will delete the logs.

Step 2 - Download version 4.3 of FTManager: Download the new version in the "Software> FTManager" menu at FuelTech site or CLICK HERE to download the new version.

Step 3: Open the FTManager software and plug the USB cable into the ECU, click in "Tools" tab and then the icon "ECU Updater".


A new window is going to pop up, click on "variation" visible on the upper bar, select the ECU and then "NHRA (Download required)" ATTENTION: For this update, the computer must have internet connection.




Total memory slots updated to 4:

Reduction from 5 to 4 map files to allow new functions and future updates. When starting the ECU Update process, an automatic backup of the maps will be saved in your computer, under C:\FuelTech, with indication of ECU serial number and currently active adjust;

Progressive nitrous PWM return rate after pedaling:

New setting for progressive nitrous, allowing a minimum base duty cycle to be set for when the driver goes off then back on the throttle, making the nitrous return much faster in the engine as some solenoids might not even pulse when below a certain percentage;

Gear change detection update:

The gear change detection feature has been updated to be capable of detecting up to 10 gears and to be compatible with the new automatic transmission control function;

Brake pressure reading updated:

The input dedicated for brake pressure can now be set up to have a window where a certain pressure range can be considered as brake switch ON and OFF. The drag race feature “Brake Line Lock control” using brake pressure and this input, still works the same as before and it’s based on the same sensor;

Generic duty cycle output speed control logic:

The output can use either reference or traction speed reading to operate, being reference speed the first option;

Minimum RPM to gear shift power reduction:

New option to disable power reduction under determined RPM in the gear shift output;

New option to select RPM reading (RPM or RPM High Resolution) for time based RPM cut;

Update on CAN communication for EGT-8 and SwitchPanel;

Reduction of the Gear shift output OFF pulse time from 300ms to 50ms;

Option to select Internal accelerometer operation mode (related to ECU hardware version – FT550 and FT600);

Removal of the “Value x Time” screens under time based features of FT500;

Ignition cuts priority: rev limiter now has priority over other ignition cuts;

Added start button in the diagnostic panel, crank screen (FT450, FT550 and FT600);

Gear shift output now turns off the last gear after configured time when configured as Liberty transmission;

New option to select engine RPM or Inputshaft RPM for gear shift output;

Added minimum TPS for Line Lock feature;

Fuel injection angle table modified to 400º up to 4000RPM when generating a FuelTech base map;

New option to keep electric fuel pump running for some seconds (configurable time) after the engine starts when Fuel Pump is configured as during start;

FT450 and FT500 CAN network correction to work with FuelTech GearController module;

New Fuel flow and Brake pressure CAN channels;

NHRA version adjusted according to 2020 regulation;



After executing the program, Windows Defender SmartScreen may display a warning message when installing FT Manager.

Here are the steps to follow to install FT Manager if this happens to you:

A - Click More info link:


B - Click the Run anyway and wait for the installation to finish:


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