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FT550/FT600 FTSPARK-8 PRO Harness


SHIPS SAME DAY if you order before 9:30am EST (USPS) or 1:00pm EST (UPS)

The FuelTech PRO550/600 FTSpark-8 harness is a true plug and play expansion to complement both the PRO550 and PRO600 V8 harness. With this expansion harness the user can make the change to a high powered multi coil setup with ease! The harness is fitted with a 16 way CPC firewall connection making adding the coils and FTSpark-8 a simple installation! The harness includes all terminations to suit the FuelTech CDI racing coil’s, FuelTech CAN connection and output controls. The FuelTech PRO550/600 FTSpark-8 harness has a label for each connector and the insulation is heat, moisture and oil resistant.
  • For use with our FTSPARK-8 CDI module and FuelTech CDI Racing Coils.
  • FTSPARK is a high power CDI ignition module compatible with ANY ECU on the market.
  • Specifically designed to plug n' play with our PRO600 harness.
    If you are intending on using this harness with another ECU manufacturer, you will need to modify it and add 7 additional outputs wires. 
  • This harness is built using a serial bus connection (1 wire) which only works with FuelTech ECUs - FT450 and above.
  • Uses Outputs B (Gray wires) on PRO600 Harness.
  • Includes: CAN connector, power and ground ring terminals (battery) and 10-way Connector with wires for connection with the ECU and CPC connector for the firewall. 
*Please contact us with any questions to confirm compatibility with your setup.